Last edited 8/21/2004

Welcome to the Full Effect Homepage. Feel free to look around. We hope you enjoy your visit and maybe we'll see you at our next gig!

Full Effect is changing! Please vist the new page to find out some of the details.

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Full Effect is...
Rich, Drew, Bob, Tim & Randy...

A group of weekend musicians who have no aspirations of becoming rich and famous. This is purely a hobby, relief from the rigors of our 7-6 weekday schedules. We try to take the time to keep our song selection as close as possible to the original recordings. Some songs are very well suited to us as recorded, sometimes we will take a song and "fix it" to fit our style. We all agree that the metal from the eighties was some of the best music ever written, but we don't limit ourselves to that era. We try to learn material from the bands that have staying power. We do occasionally learn the one hit wonder songs, but we feel energy devoted to a song that will still be popular a year from now is better spent. As a result of that formula, we have culminated many rock "classics" into our repetoire from the sixties and seventies(most of which have been "fixed"!), newer material from the nineties and future "classics" of the new millennium. We have alot of fun, and we hope this encourages a good time for all at our gigs.


News Flash.... Maybe you already knew, but is no longer offering musicians a place to make their original material available to the public. So.... right now we don't have a way for you to download our original material. Hang on.... we're working on it. In the mean time, just drop us a note and we'll get it to you somehow.


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Double Axel ReUnion Jack Guitar Shack Northern Music
In The Studio History of the Band Music Song List

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